Sunday, January 26, 2014

No. 3: Mix-and-Match

For this 3rd Post, I'm here to talk about mixing and matching clothes. You don't really need a closet full of different clothes just to make one style, you just need a good sense of fashion really. Just changing one top or pants could just change the whole appearance whether if its the grunge look that you're going, or the cute girly look that you're going. So here is one of my style!

1. Changing the TOP
When you feel like wearing the same pants/legging/skirt/shorts in the same week thats okay, but also wearing the same top is a no-no. It will look like you haven't washed your clothes for days and that is not a good impression. So here are some tips!

2. Changing the Bottom
Sometimes you just have those days not changing the top right? Like when its those sweater days you feel like taking your comfy sweater and just use that for days, but at the same time you want to look presentable too!  So why not just change the bottom like this set!
The top one uses skirt and some cute sunglasses to make you feel a little bit fashionable, and for the second picture its more to the comfy one, using skinnys and beanie to top it off

3. Shoes!
Shoes are really important for completing your outfit, if your shoes doesnt suit your outfit then you are all over the place. So having the right one is a must and changing up the color is fun, for example you got yourself all black theme for the top and bottom, then you put some cute accesories a little bit here and there. Then you use some eye-catching colored shoes, that will just catches peoples attention. Or you can go neutral like this!

So that is it for the mix and match post, see you next time!

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