It's 9th December 2019, 4 years since I have actually posted something here and I completely forgot that this blog even existed until I saw my weheartit and saw a link attached to it.
When I realized it was my blog I just scrolled through all my past posts and saw how hard I actually worked on it, from explaining the DIY's to taking lots of pictures, like I put in so much effort in every one of the posts and I am surprised at myself for taking such time and effort into each of the posts.
Anyway, I should probably update on my life now as it has been years hahaha
Well I am currently a college student in Lasalle College of the Arts in Singapore taking Diploma in Dance but because of my past injury (which I will explain more in detail later) I had to take a year off and continue my last year of college on August '20 to fully recover from the surgery that occurred back in September '19.
I'm 20 years old but actually, just weeks away from turning 21, am I scared? yeah for sure, I am scared of all the responsibilities that I have to take more and as this is a part of 'growing up' we have no other choice but other than to deal with it. When we were all young we just want to grow up, don't get me wrong I love the process of it especially when I first moved to Singapore for college because I got the sense of fully knowing how to live by myself even though sometimes its very tough, but then during that process of growing up things can get very tough and you'll slowly reveal a part of you that you never really realized and you'll learn things about yourself more whether its a good thing or bad.
It's actually very hard to 'update' my life in words because I don't know how to explain everything because well time is actually going on by fast without us actually realizing it but let's just put that aside and I'll try to do my best in explaining on what has happened!
Back to my injury, this first happened back in December 2017 when I was at the dance studio where I was marking through a dance (using jeans + I didn't warm up) and during that dance there was a jump which I decided to do and next thing you know I ended up on my bum and felt the worst pain on my left knee. I wasn't able to stand up for a period of time because of the amount of pain that I felt rushing through, then that night itself I went to the hospital with my mom and got it checked. I went through X-Ray and my bone was fine, so the doctor told me to go to this other doctor that specialized on the knee which I did the day after. He told me to get an MRI and when the result came out he found out that I have a partial tear on my ACL which is common in sports, but because the tear wasn't 'big' the doctor didn't really recommend surgery and gave other alternatives like going to the 'sports doctor' and physiotherapy to strengthen my muscles. So during that holiday I just went to the doctor and got it 'strengthen' but as my college starts my knee was just not working as well and my mental state definitely ruined my confidence as I was scared to do anything.
Fast forward to June 2019, I was dancing with my crew and we did this trick where I was standing ontop 2 of my friend's thigh, somehow I didn't land properly and I felt my knee jerked which caused me to feel this pain again. I went to the doctor in Singapore, got another MRI, and found out that I fully tore my ACL which gave no other alternatives but to go get the surgery. I was in such despair because I felt like I have not only disappointed myself but my parents and everyone who supported me, and my mental state was for sure very bad because a lot of things was going on.
But after a while it finally sink in that I need this in order to grow as a dancer and eventhough I went (and still am) through alot of hard times, I always tried to see this as a bright insight. Then when I went back to Jakarta we finally settled for the hospital and the doctor which was in Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah with Dr. Andre Pontoh who is a knee surgeon specialist. The surgery itself took 2-3 hours and I basically couldn't walk for a week, then the week after I was trained to walk and bend my knees, and now almost 3 months in I am allowed to use the treadmill in the gym, but ofcourse I am still banned from running and jumping.
So I started my college in August 2017 at Lasalle College of the Arts Singapore taking a diploma in dance. Yes, it does exist. The course itself takes 3 years and we learn everything from dance techniques (ballet, contemporary, jazz, hip-hop), body in performance (improvisation, choreography, repertoire), to performance studies (dance history, dance science, etc).
My schedule in school is very packed, from Monday-Friday (sometimes on Saturdays as well if there are performance or others) 8.30AM - 6.30PM (unless there are additional lectures, workshops, rehearsals we will usually end later) and each class usually take around +/- 1,5 hours.
Yes, it is very packed and tiring especially when this goes on for months, it will get to you.
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this is my year 1 classmates! (2017) |
my 2nd open house in Lasalle, with my seniors and teachers :) |
and this was my year 2 tipping point performance with my classmates, juniors, seniors, and some of the backstage crew |
My favorite things in school were definitely performing and collaborating with the different course because I got to meet new people and learn things differently, also I feel lucky to get these opportunities because I got to see experience things that maybe most people don't.
So here are some events that I contributed in!
We performed for Shells Convention with our hip-hop piece (2017) |
I remembered when we had to rush back to school to make it in time for our dress rehearsal because that night we still had our Tipping Point performance |
this was when we worked with a British artist Madison Bycroft where she explored about cuttlefish |
This performance was interesting because we had not worked with a non-dancer artist at that time so we learned how to adapt to the different kind of instructions |
This was when we performed at Asian Civilisation Museum, Singapore where we had a site-specific performance incorporating to the exhibition that was
After Dark, October 2017 |
Light to Night Festival 'The Sticks' February 2019 |
this was when I helped one of my friend who studies fashion in Lasalle and I was helping her to be a model for the garment that she made alongside her friend |
I performed a contemporary piece in one of my senior's piece called 'Sacred Connection' at Orchard |
and this was when I got into the newspaper the day after the performance! it was my first time to be inside a newspaper |
I really enjoy dancing or just being the 'body' as it definitely pushed myself as a dancer and performer
So MURAL is an Indonesian Community in Lasalle which I ran as a Secretary from 2018-2019 alongside my friends Harrison (President) and Adriel (Vice President). Fun fact, these 2 boys are actually my first 2 friends that I made in Lasalle and its interesting how we all just ended up working together and I definitely had tons of fun with them
Adriel (left), Me, and Harrison (Right) |
Before coming to Singapore I never really worked part-time nor did any kinds of the internship because I wasn't in a place where I felt was necessary but after being in Singapore for a year I decided to venture out on that.
At first I did my first ever part-time job in a retail store called Refash where they sell pre-loved items that are mostly clothing pieces with some other knick-knacks from different kinds of store. The store itself has quite a few branches and the reason I wanted to work there was because it was near from home, the money, and just for the experience. At refash there's only 1 worker in every store and so you have to handle the payment, drop off counter, handling the packages, steam the clothing pieces, while also clean and keep a look out of the whole store. It's quite a lot to handle for a first timer like me but I definitly learned alot from it and I give props to those who are able to work there for such a long time.
Riders Cafe
Now this was my first ever f&b part time job where I worked as a server, and taking orders. At first I didnt want to work in f&b because I didnt want to deal with cleaning the dishes and dirty plates but thankfully there was actually someone dealing with cleaning the dirty plates so all I had to do was put the plates in where they're suppose to be at and just clean the tables. When I first worked here it was very tough because it is a tiring job where I had to stand up most of the time and had alot to do, the restaurant doesnt have any AC and for a restaurant that was quite far from town it was quite packed anytime of the day. I also had some difficult time in settling into the place and getting to know the workers because everyone know everyone and I still find it very difficult for myself to introduce myself to people in a new environment but as time goes by I started to know the part timers, full times, and the chefs in the kitchen. Plus point in working in a f&b is that you'll never get hungry, luckily they make breakfast and lunch for the part timers and we get 1 hour break between our shift. Will I want to work in an f&b again? I'll definitly need to think about it but I think I would be more interested in working in a cafe instead. Oh and another plus point, there are horses!
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This was a hot chocolate made by the barista during work |
Now this was my first internship that I joined alongside Natasha and Shania. LADC is a dance company started by Lionel from USA and Ms. Yenny from Indonesia (she was also my year 1 jazz teacher in Lasalle). We basically had company training, assisted in classes, as well as other opportunities. By joining this internship I definitly learned how it feels to be apart of a dance company and the work that I might need to handle later when I do any kinds of dance related jobs. The thing that was tough about this was only the time management, at that time I was in year 2 where all the hecticness was starting so juggling school and internship was very tiring. Overall I felt like I got to experience this other side of 'dance' and it definitly helped me to understand what it is like.
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Me, Natasha, Ms. Yenny, and Shania |
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This was LADC Studio at Tanjong Pagar and I had a sad face because it was the last day going there as our contract has ended |
Assisting a class at an event called 'Footwork' by Esplanade Singapore |
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Some of my students from hiphop class for the Grade 1-2 at SAS (Singapore American School) |
Dance Schools (All That Jazz and Jazz Cats)
This was when I volunteered in a couple of dance schools in Singapore and helped with their recital. What I love about jobs like this is that there are kids and dancing involve (eventhough I do not dance in any of these of course). Some kids may be more wild and some can be more reserved but everytime I help in these dance schools I find one kid that gets very attatched and it definitily is a warm experience. Besides that I am able to meet new people and make some new friends along the way!
All the volunteers for All That Jazz Recital |
One of the kid that I bonded with during the recital |
Helped out Jazz Cats Showing and here is Melissa the owner of Jazz Cats |
definitly the kid I fell in love with during the busy day where she just suddenly fall asleep on my arms |
Yes, you heard it right, Transjakarta.
If you dont know what it is, its basically a mass transportation company in Jakarta.
I was contacted by a former Transjakarta worker where he said that he needed a few people to help out this event which I gladly took. We basically re-made Amazing Race Asia in Singapore to these worker from Transjakarta as they were visiting. Eventhough it was quite tiring from all the walking and the heat, it was a very interesting job and I definitly got even closer to all my Indonesians friend here during the job.
With all the helpers for Transjakarta Amazing Race Event |
I think this past years has been filled with lots of joy and hardship, yet I think without all these experience I wouldnt be where I am today and eventhough some things just fucks me up, I am thankful that I am able to go through it and learned from all of it.